Saturday 17 September 2011

Bookbinder Shoes. Mine Precious!

As I stated the other day, nonexistent readers, cute Golden Means was the source of my downfall. Her post about the Bookbinder shoes led me to AnthroLand where I fell in luv.

If you read the reviews, there are some fit issues as in actually keeping the shoes on which is one of the primary functions of shoes if you think about it. Wearing them; walking in them. I normally hate heels, preferring Keds to about anything except for boots, but these shoes are a must. They call to me like a siren to Odysseus. They are actually comfortable not to mention transcendentally representative of my identity, focus and soul. All that crap from from a pair of overpriced, whimsical shoes. When you find something that touches and represents your identity, focus and soul, you want to hold on to it. BUT THEY WON'T STAY ON!! I bought heels doodads, but they still flop around off my heel. As I stated in my review on Anthro, I am keeping them even if I have to carry them around, put them on and stand in a corner with my back to a party just so everyone can see my too-cool-for-school shoes. And when I say too cool for school I am talking about where I work. Sadly, they are too cool for my school.

These are the shoes for the true bibliophile. Maybe I'll decorate with them.

Here are the darlings.

1 comment:

  1. As usual, absolutely hilarious :) Flattered that I was the one to tempt you to these beauties. I still have faith that heel grips will work for me, though I misplaced the pair I bought for these and have been to lazy to some more. Resultingly, I walk colt-like when I wear these, but still worth it.
